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Immagine del termometro con inserto RTD o TC TM121

iTHERM ModuLine TM121
Termometro modulare industriale

Termometro metrico RTD/TC con pozzetto termometrico saldato per un'ampia gamma di applicazioni industriali

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20 documenti
    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)

    TI iTHERM ModuLine TM121

    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)
    Versione italiana - 03/2024
    New version available in English

    Termometro con inserto RTD o TC completo di pozzetto termometrico
    prodotto con lo stesso materiale del tubo

    • Manuale operativo (BA)

    Termometri modulari Istruzioni di funzionamento

    • Manuale operativo (BA)
    Versione italiana - 08/2018
    New version available in English

    Termometri modulari universali con inserto RTD o TC per applicazioni

    • Istruzioni di sicurezza Ex (XA)

    TRxx, TCxx, TS211, iTHERM TS111, TM211, TPx100, TSx310, TM1x1, TM411, TM412

    • Istruzioni di sicurezza Ex (XA)
    Versione inglese - 07/2020
    New version available in English

    Thermometers and inserts
    Ex nA IIC T6...T1 Gc

    • Documentazione speciale (SD)

    Device viewer

    • Documentazione speciale (SD)
    Versione inglese - 07/2021
    New version available in English

    Technical documentation in other languages

    • Documentazione speciale (SD)

    SD IEC 61406-1

    • Documentazione speciale (SD)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Automatic identification of physical objects

    • PU (Pubblicazione)

    Temperatur und Systemprodukte für Kraftwerke & Energie, Chemie und Öl & Gas

    • PU (Pubblicazione)
    Versione tedesca - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    Temperatur und Systemprodukte für
    Kraftwerke & Energie, Chemie und Öl & Gas
    Enthält iTHERM ModuLine,
    iTHERM MultiSens,
    iTEMP Temperaturtransmitters,

    • PU (Pubblicazione)

    Temperature and system products for Power & Energy, Chemical and Oil & Gas including iTHERM ModuLine, iTHERM MultiSens, iTEMP temperature Transmitters, system products

    • PU (Pubblicazione)
    Versione inglese - 06/2023
    New version available in English

    Temperature and system products for
    Power & Energy, Chemical and Oil & Gas
    including innovative iTHERM ModuLine,
    MultiSens temperature assemblies,
    iTEMP temperature transmitters and
    system products

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione cinese - 03/2020
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM121-
    Declaration number: HE_01246_01.20
    Manufacturer specification: RoHS
    Additional information: China RoHS

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Controller, Process RTD general purpose, Process RTD heavy duty, Process RTD hygienic, RTD thermometer

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione russa - 08/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: FML621-, TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM151-, TM311-, TM401-, TMR31-, TMR35-, TR15-, TR65-, TR66-, TTR31-, TTR35-
    Declaration number: ЕАЭС KZ 7500533.13.12.04163
    Manufacturer specification: EMC

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione inglese - 04/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM101-, TM111-, TM112-, TM121-, TM131-, TM151-, TM152-
    Declaration number: TM1X1 SUPPLIERS DOC
    Manufacturer specification: RoHS, Explosion protection, EMC
    Additional information: ACMA, Australia

    • Dichiarazione del produttore

    Product family: Accessories: Bar stock thermowell, Accessories: Pipe thermowell, Accessories: Inserts, Magphant, Process RTD general purpose, Process RTD hygienic, RTD thermometer

    • Dichiarazione del produttore
    Versione inglese - 07/2023
    New version available in English

    Product root: DTT31-, DTT35-, TK40-, TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-, TM311-, TM371-, TM372-, TM401-, TM402-, TM411-, TM412-, TMR35-,
    TS111-, TS212-, TT131-, TT151-, TT411-, TT412-
    Declaration number: HE_01494_01.21
    Manufacturer specification: Food hygiene
    Additional information: BSE, TSE

    • Dichiarazione UE

    Product family: Low cost RTD general purpose, Process RTD direct contact, Process RTD direct in contact, Process RTD general purpose , Process RTD heavy duty, Process RTD hygienic, Process TC direct contact, Process TC direct in contact, Process TC general purpose, Process TC heavy duty, RTD thermometer, TC heavy duty

    • Dichiarazione UE
    Versione inglese - 02/2024
    New version available in English

    Product root: TAF11-, TAF12D-, TAF12S-, TAF12T-, TAF16-, TC10-, TC12-, TC13-, TC15-, TC61-, TC62-, TC63-, TC65-, TC66-, TC88-, TEC42
    0-, TH11-, TH12-, TH13-, TH14-, TH15-, TH17-, TH18-, TH27-, TH51-, TH52-, TH53-, TH54-, TH55-, TH56-, TM101-, TM111-, TM112-, TM121-
    , TM131-, TM151-, TM152-, TM401-, TM402-, TM411-, TM412-, TMT142C-, TMT142R-, TMT162C-, TMT162R-, TR10-, TR11-, TR12-, TR13-, TR15-,
    TR24-, TR25-, TR44-, TR45-, TR46-, TR47-, TR48-, TR61-, TR62-, TR63-, TR65-, TR66-, TR88-, TSC310-, TSM187-, TSM487-, TST187-, TST3
    10-, TST40N-, TST410-, TST414-, TST41N-, TST434-, TST434B-, TST487-, TST602-, TST90-
    Declaration number: EC_00136_04.24

    • Valutazione conformità Regno Unito

    Product family: Accessories: RTD insert, Accessories: TC insert, Accessories: Inserts, Process RTD direct contact, Process RTD gener al purpose, Process RTD heavy duty, Process TC direct contact, Process TC direct in contact, Process TC heavy duty

    • Valutazione conformità Regno Unito
    Versione inglese - 12/2021
    New version available in English

    Product root: TC15-, TC66-, TEC420-, TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-, TPC100-, TPC200-, TPR100-, TR10-, TR15-, TR66-, TS111-, TS211-,
    TSC310-, TST310-, TST434-, TST602-
    Declaration number: UK_00473_01.21

    • Miscellanea

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose, Process RTD heavy duty, Process RTD hygienic, Process TC general purpose, Process TC he avy duty, RTD thermometer

    • Miscellanea
    Versione russa - 11/2020
    New version available in English

    Product root: TC10-, TC12-, TC13-, TC15-, TC61-, TC62-, TC63-, TC65-, TC66-, TC88-, TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-, TM311-, TM401-,
    TM411-, TMR31-, TMR35-, TMT142C-, TMT142R-, TMT162C-, TMT162R-, TR10-, TR11-, TR12-, TR13-, TR15-, TR61-, TR62-, TR63-, TR65-, TR66-
    , TR88-
    Region: Eurasian Economic Union
    Approval agency: EAC
    Approval number: EAEC N RU D-DE.BE02.B.12645/20

    • Metrologia

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose

    • Metrologia
    Versione russa - 02/2023
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-
    Region: Kazakhstan
    Approval agency: KazInMetr
    Approval number: 1942
    Metrology type: Metrology

    • Metrologia

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose

    • Metrologia
    Versione russa - 02/2023
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-
    Region: Kazakhstan
    Approval agency: KazInMetr
    Approval number: 1943
    Metrology type: Metrology

    • Metrologia

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose

    • Metrologia
    Versione russa - 08/2021
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM101-, TM111-,TM121-, TM131-
    Region: Russia
    Approval agency: Rosstandart
    Approval number: 82523-21
    Metrology type: Metrology

    • Metrologia

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose

    • Metrologia
    Versione russa - 08/2021
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM101-, TM111-,TM121-, TM131-
    Region: Russia
    Approval agency: Rosstandart
    Approval number: 82573-21
    Metrology type: Metrology

    • Metrologia

    Product family: DIN rail transmitter, Field transmitter, Head transmitters, Process RTD general purpose, Process TC direct in contac t

    • Metrologia
    Versione russa - 08/2022
    New version available in English

    Product root: TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-, TMT111-, TMT112-, TMT121-, TMT122-, TMT127-, TMT128-, TMT142-, TMT142B-, TMT162-, TMT1
    80-, TMT181-, TMT182-, TMT187-, TMT188-, TMT31-, TMT71-, TMT72-, TMT80-, TMT82-, TMT84-, TMT85-, TSC310-
    Region: Uzbekistan
    Approval agency: UZS
    Approval number: 02-2.0170
    Metrology type: Metrology

    • Metrologia

    Product family: Accessories: RTD insert, Accessories: TC insert, Accessories: Inserts, Process RTD direct contact, Process RTD gener al purpose, Process RTD heavy duty

    • Metrologia
    Versione russa - 08/2022
    New version available in English

    Product root: TEC300-, TET300-, TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-, TPC100-, TPC200-, TPC300-, TPR100-, TPR300-, TR10-, TR11-, TR12-, TR
    13-, TR15-, TR24-, TR25-, TR61-, TR62-, TR63-, TR65-, TR66-, TR88-, TS111-, TS211-, TST310-, TST90-
    Region: Uzbekistan
    Approval agency: UZS
    Approval number: 02-2.0171
    Metrology type: Metrology